Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Time of waiting is over!

We wait two weeks answer from GPlay...and nothing. Thanks for your help and your believing in us dear gamers! TODAY WE BUY NEW DEVELOPER ACCOUNT!!! We spend 25$ for new account. Only for you and please dont forget it. We spend our money, our time for game. Our payment will be worked about 48 hours. We reorginize our company and got new name and new stylish logo from MurdererOfSilence.

We wait new version of NaruFight so long and we so sorry about this. Now in next week you will see new version 1.2.4 not 1.2. In this version:
1.Little design improvement.
2.New combo tutorials for every character.
3.Combo numbers on screen.
4.Kakashi's Artifical Intelligence (fast and stronger...can kill you^^)
5.New Electro-House composition about Naruto from MurdererOfSilence.
6.New characters...maaaany characters (8....or 7^^)
7.New arena.
and this is not all!

Your Vibess and MurdererOfSilence.
Studio KuroShiro.
From little dream, to a great game!!!


  1. I iam looking forward in ur final development of the game, if ur gonna add a new character add neji and ultimate jutsu

  2. How to find you and your game?

  3. Pls where can i download? This

  4. Pls upload the game because the g play wont do anything

  5. And its a free game and dont have to upload to g play or upload to samsung apps :D

  6. can you put the game to google play fast? you said it gonna take week..but it takes much more ... nearly month so please do it fast we cant wait for

  7. U guys are taking ur time
